Top 5 state management libraries for React
There are a lot of state management libraries available for Reactjs. Here you will learn about the 5 most popular state management libraries. In case if you don't know, simply State management libraries are used for passing the props to children components without prop drilling.
In case if you don't know, simply State management libraries are used for passing the props to children components without prop drilling.
There are a lot of state management libraries available for Reactjs and they have their pros and cons. So I can't say any library is best. The list I will show you is not ranked.
Let's see the top react state management libraries
A predictable state container for React applications. Designed to work with React's component model. Provides APIs that enable your components to interact with the Redux store. Automatically implements complex performance optimizations
If you have any experience with react-redux then you know it is hard to set up and work with it for its boilerplate codes. But redux-toolkit simplifies everything for you. I already made a crash course on redux toolkit on cules coding channel.
If you like the video, please consider subscribing to the channel.
MobX is a battle-tested library that makes state management simple and scalable by transparently applying functional reactive programming (TFRP). The philosophy behind MobX is simple:
- Straightforward
- Effortless optimal rendering
- Architectural freedom
- Minimal and Reactish. Recoil works and thinks like React.
- Data flow graph. Derived data and asynchronous queries are tamed with pure functions and efficient subscriptions.
- Cross-App Observation. Implement persistence, routing, time-travel debugging, or undo by observing all state changes across your app, without impairing code-splitting.
Akita is a state management pattern, built on top of RxJS, which takes the idea of multiple data stores from Flux and the immutable updates from Redux, along with the concept of streaming data, to create the Observable Data Store model.
Akita encourages simplicity. It saves you the hassle of creating boilerplate code and offers powerful tools with a moderate learning curve, suitable for both experienced and inexperienced developers alike.
Akita is based on object-oriented design principles instead of functional programming, so developers with OOP experience should feel right at home. Its opinionated structure provides your team with a fixed pattern that cannot be deviated from.
The simple but incredibly fast and flexible state management that is based on React state hook
- Concise, pragmatic but flexible API. Very easy to learn.
- Incredible performance based on a unique method for tracking used/rendered and updated state segments. Ideal solution for huge states and very frequent updates.
- Small core library packed with features: global states, local states, asynchronously loaded states, partial state updates, deeply nested state updates, and a lot more.
- Complete type inference for any complexity of structures of managed state data.
- Extend or customize your state hooks with a plugins system.
There are a lot of libraries available. But
Which one should you use?
It depends on you. Test some libraries first. Pick the one that works for you.
I love redux. It is very easy to use with the Redux toolkit.
Shameless Plug
Want to create your own blog? Well, I am creating a video series where you will learn about how to create a JAMstack blog with Nextjs and Chakra-UI.
- Intro & Setup
- Build Homepage UI
- How our app will work
- MDX, MongoDB, Static Homepage
- Generate Static Blog Page
- Style Blog page with Chakra-UI and MDX-embed
- Build a real-time view counter
- Autocomplete search form with MongoDB Atlas Search Index
- Deploy application to Vercel
You can demo the website from here
- Static Blog pages will make the website load faster.
- Blogs will have code blocks with syntax highlighting and many embed components like youtube videos, GitHub gist, Tweets, and so many other things.
- Autocomplete search feature for the blog posts.
- Real-time view counter and so on.
Please like and subscribe to Cules Coding. It motivates me to create more content like this.
That's it for this blog. I have tried to explain things simply. If you get stuck, you can ask me questions.
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